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    Научно-лабораторный центр АО “Геологика” подтвердил свою компетентность в качестве аккредитованного лица

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    Geologika Research & Development Center provide routine and special core analysis and reservoir fluids, hydrofrac proppant testing, reservoir geomechanical modelling and hydrofrac jobs supervising.

    Well core analysis started normally on the well rig where geologists have restricted access to the isolated core. Nevertheless laboratory personell often visit well rig to supervise the core taking procedure, core description and core sampling for saturation evaluaiton. Core analysis in the laboratory started with the full-size core processing procedures included core extraction from the core boxes and isolated plastic or metal pipes, core cleaning from the residue drilling mud, computer tomography, core photography in day and ultraviolet light. Most core laboratory used set of profile express core tests like a full-size core scratching and profile gas permeability to optimize the programm of forthcoming special core analysis. After core plugs drilling out full-size core usually plased in the cardboard or plastic boxes for long-term storage and proceeded to stratigraphers.

    Stratigraphycal core research include full-size core and core plugs lithological description, quantitative mineralogical analysis (basically X-ray diffraction, very often – thin section preparation and description, sometime – scanning electronic microscopy, microtomography and XRF elemental analysis), grain size analysis, sedimentological analysis for geological modelling. For prospective areas palaeontological investigation for rock age and environments ecology is very common. After set of stratigraphycal research full-size core is normally ordered to the core storage.

    Core plugs can have various geometry and size according to the forthcoming tests type and equipment used. Most often, cylindrical core plugs 25.4-70 mm in diameter used for petrophysical and geomechanical tests. Being drilled out from the full-size core, core plugs firstly cleaned from remains fluids (mostly oil and reservoir water) and dried. Prepared core plugs used for pertrophysical properties evaluation (porosity, permeability, electrical resistivity, acoustic waves velocity and so on) in normal and reservoir conditions.

    Geomechanical tests started with a full-size core profile scratching which allow to distinguish differing mechanical types of rock along core legnth. “Classical” mechanical tests used cylindrical plugs 30-70 mm (or even more) in diameter, for wich stress-straim and elastic properties are determined in normal and reservoir conditions.

    Ceramic proppants (propping agents) used in hydraulic fracturing which is popular world-wide used method of reservoir stimulation. Hydrofrac jobs results depends on many constitutes while proppant quality is one of the most importent. Proppants tests includs it’s basic properties estimaiton (grain size, densities, acid solubility, crash test and so on) and proppant pack conductivity  to liquid evaluation with different “fracture” loading pressure.

    Hydrofracturing jobs independent supervising means engineering support of HF operation and intramural technological control of HF-contractor’s activity on the wells. Normally preparation to the hydrofracturing jobs includes analysis of previously perfomed HF jobs on the oil fiels, assessment a stress distribution along the well hole, estimation of rock mechanical properties and fracture numerical modelling. For such a job Geologika Research & Development Center practise outrunning core tests for mechanical properties evaluation and repeating proppant and HF fluids testing.